Warehouse Service

Service TRANS HOPE 2年前 (2023-02-03) 3317次浏览

Warehouse Service

Our company is providing warehouse service according to our client needs&requirements.

Through our general warehouse and customs bonded warehouse,we currently provide buyer consol service to clients located in EU,CIS,Baltic area among many others.

1.Modern warehouse//buyer consol from China(仓库集拼)

2.Warehouse work flow(仓库流程)

*Accepting cargo from many different suppliers in accordance with their cargo list.

*Palletizing,Labeling,and Scaling.

*Re-consolidating cargo as per client specification and consolidation instruction request)

*Daily Reports on check-in&check-out(Can be verified on-line and reports are sent via mail)

3.Trans Hope Advantage(公司优势)A.WMS system(网上查询系统)We can provide WMS system at WH with possibility to let client work via WEB(English version,Chinese version).

This system is online system which client can trace and operate same time with cargo entering into warehouse.And client can make up all kinds ofexcel report through this online system.

4.Modern Facility B.Bar-code(scanning)/per scan(扫描系统)We can scan barcode or korkode according to client’s detailed requirement.

5.Measurement and Weighting per bar-code by machine(测量系统)If you are looking for a good warehouse partner in china,please contact with us.We look forward of your reply.


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